Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ultimate Italian Grilled Cibatta Cheese Sandwich


Cibatta Bread (sliced)
Fresh Mozzarella
Provolone Cheese (sliced thick)
Sliced Tomatoes
Parmesan Cheese
Asiago Cheese
Pesto (recipe follows)
Roasted Garlic

Lightly butter one side of the sliced Ciabatta bread. Grate about 1 cup of cheeses and blend together (Asiago & Parmesan) and sprinkle on top of buttered slices and pat down lightly. Turn bread slices over on a sheet of wax paper and spread slices with Pesto.

Pesto Recipe:

1 Cup of Fresh Basil
1/4 Cup of Pine Nuts
1/2 Cup of Parmesan & Asiago Cheese
1/2 Bulb of Roasted Garlic
1/4 Cup of Olive
Salt & Pepper
Using a food processor, add Basil, Pine Nuts and Parmesan Cheese. Blend until finely chopped. Add Garlic, S&P. With Processor on, slowly add olive oil until it becomes a spreadable consistency.

Begin layering the provolone cheese, then the prosciutto (you may opt to place prosciutto on cookie sheet and bake for a few minutes to "crisp" up before assembling), then thickly sliced fresh mozzarella, the sliced tomato and one more slice of provolone cheese.

Place the other half of the prepared bread on top (cheese side up). Place sandwiches in medium heated pan and fry until golden brown - pressing the sandwiches down when turning over.

(Optional) - You may finely chop sundried tomatoes and add them to the Pesto and eliminate the tomato

Bon Appetite!

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